More about us
The National Civil Defence Cadet Corps (NCDCC) of Singapore was formed in 2005 and is currently the newest recognized member of the National Uniformed Group. The creation of this Uniformed Group was initiated by the Ministry of Home Affairs in response to the need for the young leaders of tomorrow to have a firm pillar and grounding in Singapore's firm belief of Total Defence.
Our Mission and Vision
The mission of NCDCC is to nurture and develop our youths into resilient and responsible citizens through innovative and challenging CD activities.
The vision of NCDCC is to be a choice Uniformed Group (UG) that equips our youths with life-savings skills for challenging times ahead.
"We, members of the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps,
pledge to serve our community.
We take pride in our training and uniform.
We are discipline and responsible for our actions.
We are loyal to our Nation."
Core Values
N – Noble
C – Caring
D – Disciplined
C – Courageous
C – Committed
Noble: The value of being Noble is to create a sense of empathy and chivalry in cadets. To remind them to put others before self. That acts of selflessness are valued, to protect and respect the weak and underprivileged for the benefit of the community at large.
Caring: Caring cadets are a vision of NCDCC. To be able to create an awareness of the needs of others and environment. This awareness would translate into cadets with an understanding about the need to be concerned about the world that they live in.
Disciplined: The hallmark of all Uniformed Group organisations. We are no different in this aspect. To enforce a high level of discipline in regimentation and personal self. Cadets are to be disciplined in behaviour and mental thoughts. To be able to uphold and stick firm by the values that we believe in.
Courageous: Courage in many forms is desired from NCDCC cadets. Courage in the face of trying times to take the lead to make things happen and also the moral courage to do the right thing even when pressured to do otherwise.
Committed: An important value in these times where changes are constant and decisions made may waiver at the slightest influence. Cadets should be able to stay focused and committed to their goals even if there are obstacles. Cadets should also be dependable and reliable in their commitments to both the community and nation.
Main Objective
Imparting CD Knowledge and Skills
Developing and Moulding of Character and Leadership
Imbue Awareness of Homeland Security through
National Education and Community Service
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